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These awards are all about advancing the status of complaint handling – and we do everything we can to make this happen.

Our guides, blogs, white papers and podcast will keep you informed of the latest complaint handling trends and share best practice from our previous events. Take a look at what’s on offer!



This free guide is an invaluable resource for any entrant: it contains tips on category selection, advice on constructing a successful entry and detailed information about the awards. Download now and give yourself the best chance of victory!


How Entries are Scored

This document outlines the criteria against which your written entry will be compared to determine your score.


Sample Model Entry

An example of a real Gold Award Winner’s written entry from a previous awards programme (the entry accounts for 50% of the final score).


Sample Feedback Report

Each finalist receives constructive feedback from our judges. This document is a real example from CHA. It includes scores achieved by other finalists in the same category, and judges’ comments on the written entry and the presentation.


Case Study

You will learn:

  • How Aptean/MotoNovo developed an outstanding pandemic response
  • What the judges had to say about their entry
  • 3 best practices to help your business


How to Prepare an Outstanding Presentation with Chris Robinson

Chris Robinson is Managing Director at Boost Awards. Established in 2006, Boost is the world’s first and largest awards entry consultancy. They have helped their clients win over 1,500 awards.

DATE: Januar 20th, 2 PM

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