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Apply to Judge

What Does Judging Involve?

We’re currently looking for experienced, capable and enthusiastic professionals to join our judging panels for 2022. Could this be you?

  • Learn

    first-hand how top UK companies are implementing remarkable complaint handling strategies

  • Assess

    written entries and live presentations, and put your questions directly to the finalists

  • Inspire

    finalists on their complaint handling journey by offering useful and actionable feedback

Apply to Judge
Benefits of Being a Judge
  • Stay up to date on the latest complaint handling trends
  • Network with the other judges and finalists
  • Attend the Awards Finals and Ceremony online, and celebrate with the winners
  • Submit thought leadership articles and other contributions to our Customer Experience Magazine, read by over 23,000 subscribers
  • Develop your personal and professional brand
  • Make use of exclusive promotional material, including your very own judging logo
  • Become a member of The Judge Club
Apply to Judge
Journey to Becoming a Judge

  • 1

    Express Your Interest

    Get in touch with our Judging Consultants to explore your judging opportunities and get answers to any questions you might have. You can contact Filip Lampic at filip@awardsinternational.com or click below to book a call!
    Book a Call
  • 2

    Have Your Application Reviewed

    If you meet our standards and are accepted as a judge, you will be assigned to a category that best reflects your area of expertise.
  • 3

    Confirm Your Place

    Becoming a judge includes membership of The Judge Club. There are several levels of membership which offer different benefits. Organise a call with Filip (details above), complete the Apply to Judge page or visit The Judge Club website to find out more.
  • 4

    Review and score written entries

    For Scoring Round I, you’ll have to assess the written submissions in your category. Our Awards Manager software makes the process very straightforward: you just need to leave your scores and written comments on there.
  • 5

    Assess presentations at the Awards Finals

    Scoring Round II comes on the day of the Awards Finals. As well as listening to finalists’ presentations, you’ll have the chance to ask questions and seek clarification from the presenters. Once you’ve given your presentation scores, we’ll be ready to add up the scores and determine the winner in your category!
  • 6

    Network and Connect

    We're also holding several networking meetings in the run-up to the Awards, giving you further chances to meet members of our Awards Community. We'll be announcing the dates for those soon, so watch this space!
  • 7

    Spread the Word

    We’ll provide you with digital promotional materials so you can shout from the rooftops about your involvement in the awards! Whether on your website or social media channels, we’ll give you the tools to publicise your status as a judge.

    You’ll also be invited to share opinion articles, or other content, in our Customer Experience Magazine, and can request an interview for one of our blogs or White Papers.

Meet the judges

Apply to Judge

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