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3 Top Tips For Omnichannel Success

At the UK Complaint Handling Awards over the years, we've seen complaints management grow increasingly sophisticated. What were once "call centres" have become contact centres. Previously scattered information is now collected and processed through intelligent software solutions. And as a result, year by year, it's getting harder to impress our judging panels!


To triumph at CHA22, you need to show how you're ahead of the curve. This year's categories reflect how the complaint handling landscape has changed - and omnichannel success is a key element in several of them.


Whether you're entering Proactive Complaint Handling, Best Case Management System or Contact Centre (or any category for that matter), you'll need to show the judges that you're delivering a holistic complaints strategy.


But what are organisations still missing when it comes to omnichannel? And what can they do about it?


1. Is your complaints process mobile-friendly?


In 2020, 68.1% of global website visits came from mobile devices - a figure that keeps rising each year. But is this a channel that brands are using successfully?


Customers seem to disagree: in fact, 90% said their customer experience on mobile was negative. There's clearly a long way to go before brands can deliver the simple, easy-to-navigate mobile experience that users expect.


If your organisation can prove - with tangible results - that your mobile complaints strategy hasbeen a success, you've got a real chance of winning at the awards!


2. How quick is your social media response time?


For leading businesses, the average response time on social media is 157 minutes. But this is nowhere near what customers expect - and far, far below what is required to delight them.


In one study, researchers found that customers who received a Twitter reply within six minutes were willing to spend $20 more with the company! But if the response time was more than an hour, the customer would only be willing to spend an extra $2.33.


Brands that reply quickly on social media channels show their immediate and conscious desire to assist their customers, and can build far stronger relationships as a result.


If your social media strategy has been achieving great results, why not enter our Best Customer Service category?


3. How comprehensive is your self-serve offering?


Companies have known about the significance of self-serve for a while now - but how much information are they sharing with their customers, and how useful is it?


Chatbots have enormous potential, but they're not yet smart enough to answer customer queries in a truly intelligent manner. Right now, their best use is as an enhanced FAQ section, where customers can easily search through their most common issues.


Success in this area is absolutely critical, because 75% of customers prefer to find information on a company website compared to other channels. If you can get it right, it's a win-win: your customers will be using a channel that's more convenient for them, and you'll be freeing up resources to deal with more complex and specific complaints.


Proactive Complaint Handling is the ideal CHA category for an organisation who's implemented a great self-serve initiative.


The UK Complaint Handling Awards is the perfect place to share your omnichannel success - but more than that, it's a chance to learn from what other companies are doing well.


As well as delivering your own pitch, you can listen to Open Presentations, where the UK's top companies will be outlining their strategies in detail. Enter now to get your early bird discount!


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